Canoe Days Out

Oxfordshire - River Thames - Sandford to Wallingford

This page was submitted by Keith Day (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - Sandford is just south of the Oxford ring road. Travel south on the A4074 then filter left at the Sandford signs. Follow the signs round the roundabout and then turn right into Henley Road. Take next left into Church Road and follow this to the Kings Arms on the right. Park in the corner of their car park.

For those with SatNav the postcode is OX4 4YB.

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - There is a very convenient launching place at the north west corner of the car park but please don't park too close so as to obscure access for anyone else with the same idea. I've always been there too early to ask for permission but, if you can, its polite to give them some custom when you collect your car later.

General Description - This is a delightful trip through the Oxford countryside. Apart from the rural views and riverside properties, one of the highlights is the town of Abingdon with its attractive bridge, old gaol and almshouses.

We had planned to end the days paddling with an overnight camp at Benson Cruisers but when we got there the camping area looked like the poor relation to the cruisers and the chalets. As it was a fine evening we carried on a further mile and a half to the camp site north of the bridge at Wallingford. If you do the same, remember that they charge for a defined marked area which will easily accommodate two or three small tents and canoes.

The trip was 18 miles and 6 locks but was assisted by a flow of about 1 mile an hour on the river.

This trip is the 5th in a series that cover the River Thames from Cricklade and follows directly from the trip from Eyensham to Sandford. The next trip in the series is Wallingford to Mapledurham.


Thames Conditions

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson