Canoe Days Out

Cheshire - Bridgewater Canal - Walton to Preston Brook & return

This page was submitted by Keith Day (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - From the M56 (Junction 11) take the A56 north, through Daresbury. After a further mile turn right into Park Lane and then second left into Hough's lane. Carry on to the junction with Waltom Lea Road where you turn right and park immediately.

For those with SatNav the postcode is WA4 6SL.

Get a map with driving directions to start (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Launch over the bank.

General Description - This is a trip of 8 lock free miles to Preston Brook Marina & return.

The Bridgewater Canal was built in 1761 and is the first Canal in the UK not to follow the course of an existing waterway.

This essentially rural trip starts through the wooded cutting past Walton Hall before reaching more open country. It spends a brief period passing through the back gardens of suburban Cheshire before returning to the countryside and ending at Preston Brook Marina (the home of Venture Canoes)


Bridgewater Canal
Venture Canoes

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson