Canoe Days Out

Warwickshire - Coventry Canal - Hawksbury Junction to Marston Junction

This page was submitted by Andy Sadler (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - From M6 junction 3 take the 1st exit if coming from south (3rd exit from north) to Bedworth. At the roundabout turn left under M6 bridge onto the B$113. Take the first right (Black Horse Road) and follow the road (over two roundabouts) until you cross the canal bridge. Turn left into Sutton Stop and continue to the end where there is a car park on the left.

For those with SatNav the postcode is CV6 6DF.

Get a map with driving directions to start (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Launch over the bank from the car park opposite the Greyhound pub.

General Description - Head towards Bedworth (Beduff for the locals) through the stop lock with the engine house on the left. The canal is quite picturesque along this stretch. Approaching Beduff the canal passes the attractive back gardens of the canalside houses. In the sunshine it was a real pleasure to be paddling by.

In a little less than an hour, we reached Charity dock, which looked like a graveyard for Barges! Just round the corner from the boat yard is Marston Junction, a distance of 2.75 from the start, achieved in about 55 mins.

We turned back at this point but if you want to go further I suggest turning right onto the Ashby Canal.


Hawksbury Junction
Ashby Canal
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Canoeing for Cancer

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson