Canoe Days Out

Northamptonshire - River Nene - Northampton to Cogenhoe

This page was submitted by Dick (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - The actual start is at Rush Mills Lock, south-eat of Northampton. Take the A428 (Bedford Road) from Northamton crossing the A45. At the next roundabout turn back on yourself and take Rushmills on the left parking near the lock.

As this is a one way trip you will need to shuttle a car to (or arrange a pick up from) Cogenhoe (see end map)

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Launch over the bank from the car park then portage the lock into the lower section heading east. This is best done at weekends when the car park is less busy. During the week it may be better to start from the next lock (Abington) parking by the council offices.

General Description - This is a nice paddle through 4 miles of Northamptonshire countryside but it does involve portaging (or otherwise passing through) 5 locks.

The stretch of the Nene between Weston Favell, Clifford Hill Lock & Billing Lock is a bit grim....unless you like static caravans that is - welcome to Billing Aquadrome - I didn't know there were that many caravans in the world!

Comments on this trip

Gareth Arthur
21 Jan 2020
Also the opposite way west down to Northampton town, one low bit of portage , on wards passing carlsberg , you can now switch to canal (portage) or continue with river...i personally return do a loop just under a45 bypass bridge ,passing pub (Britannia) 2x portage ,easy..! 23 hours fun..!


River Nene
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