Canoe Days Out

Cornwall - River Tamar - Calstock to Weir Head (& return)

This page was submitted by Keith Day (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - Calstock is abot 10 miles north of Plymouth and 5 miles south west of Tavistock on the west bank of the River Tamar. Once in Calstock, park in the public carpark at the east of the town (off Marsh Lane)

For those with SatNav the postcode is PL18 9QS.

Get a map with driving directions to start (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Launch from the public slipway in the carpark.

General Description - Head east and north to the weir at Weir Head. You will pass Morwellham Quay, the living museum celebrating the local mining industry. It is free to visit the site but there is a charge if you wish to tour the mine itself. The round trip to Weir Head is 9 miles which is made much easier if you time your trip upstream to coincide with the last of the incoming tide.

Comments on this trip

11 Aug 2023
UPDATE no real landing charge at Morwellham. After all, it's tidal water and there is the right of refuge

Pete Thompson
28 Mar 2013
Sadly, there is now a landing fee for stopping at Morwellham, as the museum is under private ownership.

Mr Pinks
14 Mar 2009
You can also launch at Cotehele Quay, pronounced Cot-heel (postcode PL12 6TA) - a National Trust property a few miles downstream for Calstock. Just make sure to make a donation for parking and buy an ice cream or cream tea from the super tea room!


Morwellham Quay
Tide Times

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson