Canoe Days Out

Yorkshire - Leeds & Liverpool Canal - Silsden to Niffany Viaduct, Skipton

How to get there - Silsden is on the A6034 between Keighly and Skipton in Yorkshire. If aproaching from the south turn left into Sykes Lane just before crossing the canal. For those with SatNav the postcode is BD20 0ED.

This trip is detailed as a one way trip with a second car left at the end near Niffany Viaduct, Skipton. If you are unable to do it this way simply turn around when convenient and return to the start.

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Launch over the bank into canal. Park roadside nearby taking care not to cause an inconvenience to the locals.

General Description - Paddle left towards Skipton. This trip is a mixture of rural and urban canal. The overall trip is 8.5 miles with no locks but there are a number of swing bridges that you may need to portage.

Among things to look out for in Skipton are Eastwoods Fish & Chips (canalside at Keighley Rd bridge), J Stanforths Celebrated Pork Pie shop (at 11 Mill Bridge) and the Royal Shepherd pub (in Canal Street - moor oposite and walk over bridge).

If you have left a second car at Niffany Viaduct continue there -if not retrace your route south to the start.


Eastwoods Fish & Chips
Stanforths Celebrated Pork Pie Shop
Royal Shepherd Pub

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson