Canoe Days Out

Devon - Grand Western Canal - Tiverton to Sampford Peverell & return

This page was submitted by David Brian Dooley (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - From the M 5, Junction 27, take the A 361 towards Barnstaple. Take the A 396 to Tiverton and follow the brown canal signs to the Tiverton Basin.

For those with SatNav a nearby postcode is EX16 4HT.

Get a map with driving directions to start (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - There is a pay car park, toilets, the teashop, and the start for narrow boat trips. The office to pay for the boating permit is on the far side of the canal from the car park.

General Description - The Grand Western Canal is about 11.3 miles long. It is a rural contour canal with no locks.

Last November, after paying for a permit at the office, I launched at the basin and headed east. After gardens and the outskirts of Tiverton the canal became very rural. There was very little canal traffic, one canadian only. In places the weeds had grown from the bottom to the surface impeding progress slightly. In compensation I had never seen so many kingfishers per mile! There were many possible summer picnic places with good views.

After about 6 miles I came to Sampford Peverell and the pub landing. The Globe Inn serves food weekdays and weekends, but it gets fairly full at weekend lunchtimes. I stopped for a hot lunch etc., then paddled back to the start point.

Total distance about 12.5 miles, but the weed made it feel like a little further. No locks.

Comments on this trip

J king
25 Jun 2020
Please make it possible to buy a permit online. Thank you.

Rob lane
01 Mar 2020
Great canal to canoe ,cycle or walk. Loads of wildlife. Really would be great if I could purchase pass online. As I usually park at Halberton or burlescombe. Come on rangers lets get modern. Youll receive more funds

Rob lane
01 Mar 2020
Great canal to canoe ,cycle or walk. Loads of wildlife. Really would be great if I could purchase pass online. As I usually park at Halberton or burlescombe. Come on rangers lets get modern. Youll receive more funds

15 Sep 2019
My wife and I paddled from the Tiverto side of Halberton for approximately 3 miles very quiet with kingfishers and ducks for company! Must return and go towards Tiverton basin.

Neil sparkes
06 Dec 2017
Paddled 4/5/17Got there early and it was like canoeing on glass.Nice easy paddle with loads of kingfishers buzzing around.. the swans are dodgy and did attack me as I paddled past.. one of them followed me for around 50 yards and was obviously not happy about me being there.. be warned!Lovely quiet canal and I will be returning again very soon.Didnt quite make the pub so thats my next trip #128522;

Obi one canoeby
05 Aug 2014
£3 for parking £5 for permit great day outmust do it again.

24 Sep 2009
Thanks we are loading the boat on the roof and are off to give it a try

Alan Barnstable
29 Sep 2008
Did the whole length of canal during weekend of 27/28 Sep, lovely weather, and very scenic. Water is absolutely clear and easy to see thousands of roach, perch, and jack pike. Didn't see any other boats.

Chris Vincent, Ilfracombe Devon
10 Feb 2007
Thanks for this information, really useful, I shall give the canal a visit later this year.


Grand Western Canal

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson