Canoe Days Out

Herefordshire - River Wye - Ross-on-Wye to Symonds Yat (Huntsham Bridge)

This page was submitted by David & Rhoda Wilson (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - Edde Cross St in centre of Ross-on-Wye.

For those with SatNav the postcode is HR9 7BX.

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Public steps

General Description - One of a sequence of trips which we did down the River Wye. If you wanted to, you could combine two or more sections to make a longer day out. There is a fairly strong current in places, nothing dramatic, but take these as one-way trips. Above Hereford there are a few more difficult areas. For full details, get a copy of 'Canoeist's Guide to the River Wye', £5 from the Environment Agency (or download here). Keep an eye out for storms in the Welsh mountains which can raise the river level rapidly.

Public navigation, but be considerate to fishermen.

This is where the scenery really takes off, with the Wye wandering in and out between great river cliffs. Watch out for peregrines around the left bank cliffs as you approach Symonds Yat. The future Henry VI spent his childhood at Welsh Bicknor on the right bank, before the Wars of the Roses propelled him to the throne. Goodrich Castle is also well worth a visit.

We recommend stopping at Huntsham Bridge, a small modern road bridge just off B4229 near Goodrich, rather than Symonds Yat itself which gets very crowded. Slide canoe out on right bank next to bridge.

The total distance is 12 miles.

Comments on this trip

Monmouth Canoe Centre
05 Feb 2015
Huntsham Bridge has been closed to the generalpublic for many years. As a hire company wepay for this site and any other company using this site is trespassing without permission from ourselves. Please take the getting out at Huntsham Bridge off your site!!!

Keith Day
23 Aug 2009
It seems that the get out at Huntsham Bridge has now been closed off by the local angling club so you may need to continue to Symonds Yat.

Jim Thornton
02 Dec 2007
I think this is one of the finest bits of canoe touring in the world. It has everything - wildness, scenery, interesting easy rapids, villages, pubs, campsites, footbridges, ferries and castles. Just don't stop at Symonds Yat. Go on a few miles to Monmouth, or better still Tintern Abbey.


E A Guide
Environment Agency
Lydbrook old photos
Goodrich Castle

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson