Canoe Days Out

Kent - River Medway - Tonbridge to Yalding or Maidstone

This page was submitted by David and Rhoda Wilson (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - As described under 'Tonbridge to Leigh' or for the full distance, turn west off Tonbridge High St north of station (Barden Rd), in 1/2 ml over railway and turn right into Audley Rd, continue until you get to the river.

For those with SatNav the nearest postcode is TN9 1XF.

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Easy bankside put in.

General Description - I have in other sections described a series of shortish round trips (4-7 miles) on various parts of the Medway. If you want a one-way trip, but slightly longer, you can start at Tonbridge and go to either Yalding or Maidstone and catch the train back (There's a station at East Farleigh, too, but it's not easy to get the canoe up to the road there. You could however break at Wateringbury - see map for a trip of about 11 miles).

Tonbridge - Yalding (station near lock - see map) about 8 miles, 6 locks

Tonbridge - Maidstone (WEST station, not East, just west of Maidstone Bridge - see map) about 16 miles, 9 locks, use the canal cut through Yalding)

or Yalding - Maidstone (see map for put in)

All placid water, a few shallows but no significant currents

For links to sites en route see entries in each section

Comments on this trip

09 Aug 2020
We went today 9/8/20 to find the first sluice was closed , who can you contact beforehand to find out if they will be open

08 Jul 2019
do you need a licence for this stretch of river

Mr T
19 Jul 2011
How big was your canoe to get onto the train did you need to wait for a certain train with a luggage van


Train services
River Medway access (inclucing suggested portages)

Advise me of new trips

The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson