Canoe Days Out

Middlesex - The Grand Union Canal - Denham to Batchworth (& return)

This page was submitted by David and Rhoda Wilson (E-mail this submitter)
How to get there - From Denham village, north on A412, and then right onto Moorhall Road once under the railway. Put in at canal bridge after 1 mile - public car park a little further on.

For those with SatNav the nearest postcode is UB9 6PD.

Get a map with driving directions to start (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Easy put in from canal towpath

General Description - A broad but fairly busy canal in a surprisingly rural area for a trip inside the M25. You can never quite get away from the noise, even if the motorway is a couple of miles away! There are four locks on the way to Batchworth which need to be portaged. A return journey is about 8 miles. Local disused gravel pits offer bird-watching opportunities.

Going south would also be possible, but looks increasingly industrial

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Comments on this trip

James Cox
04 Jan 2010
I never found a public car park. The car park at Harefield Marina is private and has lockable gates. There were some breaks in the double yellow lines on the short stretch of road between the marina and the bridge where people parked, and the pub has a large car park.


Grand Union Canal video

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