Canoe Days Out

Norfolk - Norfolk Broads - South Walsham to Ranworth (& return)

How to get there - At the roundabout at Acle (A47 - midway between Great Yarmouth and Norwich) exit onto New Rd heading to Acle/Reedham

After .3 mile turn right at Old Rd and then take the 2nd left onto The St. Almost immediately turn left at S Walsham Rdand continue onto Acle Rd. After a mile turn right to stay on Acle Rd and shortly turn left to stay on Acle Rd. Take the 1st right onto Field Rdand then the 2nd right onto Broad Ln

The car park is near the staithe on the left.

Get a map with driving directions to start or end (enter the postcode of your starting point at A)

Suggested Launch Site - Launch at the public Staithe and slipway which is just a short portage from the car park.

General Description - After a tour of South Waltham Broad (the western end is private but you have free access to the water as long as you don't moor or anchor) take Fleet Dyke for one mile to the River Bure at the ruins of St Benets Abbey where you turn left onto the River Bure. Pass the confluence with thr River Ant on the right then after a further mile turn left into Ranworth Dam which will take you to Malthouse Broad and Ranworth. On the right you will pass the entrance to Ranworth Broad which is a nature reserve.

After a tour of the Broad head for Ranworth Staithe where you can moor next to the attractive green for a picnic, an ice cream from the village store or more serious refreshment from the Maltsters pub.

If you have the time, and the energy for all those stairs, it's worth climbing to the top of Ranworth Church for the view.

You can return at your leisure for a seven mile overall trip or end your trip here if you have shuttled a car to the Staithe car park. Alternatively you can walk back to the car park at South Walsham (2 miles)

Comments on this trip

22 Feb 2021
South Walsham staithe car park is closed.


South Walsham
St Benets Abbey

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The last trip loaded was Great Haywood to Great Haywood (Circular Route) on the River Trent / Trent & Mersey Canal by Peter Robinson